IFHOH World Congress - Budapest 2022 IFHOH BGM/EFHOH AGM
22-23-24 September 2022

Budapest Hungary
Ensana Thermal hotel Margaret island ****


How to get to the conference venue, the
Ensana Thermal Hotel Margaret Island ****


All participants arriving at ‘Liszt Ferenc’ International Airport (formerly known as Ferihegy Airport) are advised to take the airport shuttle minibus to their hotels; this is the least expensive and most reliable service. You can find information about the Airport Shuttle Minibus (LRI) service on the following link: http://www.airportshuttle.hu/en

(Metropolitan bus No. 200E) also leaves from the terminal building for Kőbánya-Kispest station, where you may take metro line No. 3 (blue line) to the Nyugati Railway – Metro station. Than change bus line No 26 ( next to the Railway station to Szállodák/ Hotels stop) 400 m from the hotel


A high quality and fair passenger carrier service is running at Liszt Ferenc Airport, fotaxi.eu whose fares are defined and limited by zones. Efficient and simple taxi ordering procedure characterizes this taxi company. The price is appr. 30 EUR from Airport to the hotel.


There are 3 major international railway stations in Budapest (Déli pu., Keleti pu. and Nyugati pu.), located in the city centre and within easy reach of the hotels, either by public transport or by taxi. See the following link about railway services: (www.mav.hu)


Budapest can be reached by car on motorways M1, M3, M5 and M7. Drivers should be aware that there is a zero tolerance of blood alcohol level while driving in Hungary. 

Take any motorway in the direction of Budapest City Centre than on the Arpad híd ( Arpad bridge turn to Margitsziget (Margaret Island) – turn left onto the parking lot and continue to the hotel.

Parking is available at an open air parking area at the Hotel Helia, for 10 Euro/ day. Parking in the city centre is subject to fees.


The Hungarian currency is the forint (Ft and HUF). If you want to exchange your currency to forint, always do so at an official exchange office. Never exchange money on the streets with random strangers, since this is prohibited by law.

There are ATMs on almost every corner in Budapest. Money withdrawal from ATMs is in forint.

All major credit and debit cards (MasterCard, Visa, etc.) are accepted.

Exchange rate: 1 EUR = 400 HUF

There’s no general rule, but 10% of the final price is usually expected in restaurants, pubs, cafés and taxis. There are restaurants where the service fee is already included in the price, so check the bill before tipping. Be careful about saying “Thank you!” when paying. If you say it while handing over the money, this is informally taken to mean that you don’t expect any change to be given back.


Time zone:

Hungary is in the Central European Time Zone (GMT+1).


Most hotels/hostels include Internet facilities as part of their service (it’s usual, but not always free of charge). Cafés, pubs, and restaurants usually offer free Wi-Fi Internet access. There’s a free Wi-Fi service on Intercity trains and selected bus lines.


Hungary uses 220 volts AC and the European-style plug (two circular metal pins). If your appliance has a 120/240-volt switch, all you will need is a plug adapter – otherwise, a current converter is required.

Pay attention to sockets in bathrooms and on trains marked „Shavers Only”. While these put out 110 volts, they will burn out with a more powerful appliance.


Smoking is NOT permitted inside the Congress buildings or at the venues for the social functions. Smokers are required to smoke outdoors in the designated area.


Public transport IN BUDAPEST

Public transport in the city is well organized. Tickets must be purchased in advance at metro stations or tobacco shops.

Whenever you change vehicle, validate a new ticket. One-day, three-day and weekly travel cards allowing free travel on all means of transportation within the administrative boundary of Budapest can be bought at each metro station for 1650 HUF, 4150 HUF and 4950 HUF, respectively. EU citizens over 65 years are allowed to travel for free on the vehicles of the public transport.


If you are not familiar with the city, it is easiest to get around by a taxi cab. Budapest has a single, uniform taxi service policy. It mandates every taxi company to use distinctive yellow cars and charge uniform fares. All vehicles must provide the option to pay by bank card. During the conference do not hesitate to call a taxi through at the Registration Desk.

Never hail a cab on the street! Call one of the following numbers to order one!

Főtaxi +36 1 2 222 222
Budapest Taxi +36-1-4-333-333
City Taxi +36-1-2-111-111

Uber is currently illegal in Hungary.


Tap water in Budapest is generally safe to drink. Public restrooms are practically non-existent in Budapest, with the exception of shopping malls. Both locals and tourists use the rest rooms in shopping malls, cafés and restaurants (especially fast food).

Our tip would be to always carry a few hundred forints in your pocket in case you get the urge to go, while touring the city.


Registration fees do not include participants’ insurance against personal accidents, sickness and cancellations by any party, theft, loss or damage to personal possessions. Participants are requested to make their own arrangements with respect to health and travel insurance.


Emergency hotline: 112.

Once you have dialled the number, the dispatcher connects you to the corresponding service (ambulance, police, fire dept.). Calls are free from any public or private phones, but they should only be made in real emergencies.

Medical costs for foreigners

Only emergency first-aid assistance is free – foreign tourists must pay for all other types of medical care and medicines. Costs will vary greatly between doctors working at publicly run clinics and those working privately.


Budapest’s pharmacies (gyógyszertár in Hungarian) are well stocked and can provide medicaments for most commonailments. Each of the 23 districts has an all-night pharmacy open every day, a sign on the door of any pharmacy will help you locate the closest one.



Hungary is part of the Schengen Area of 26 European countries. For non-Schengen EU, USA and Canadian citizens a valid passport is sufficient to enter Hungary. Citizens of other countries should check whether visa is needed for them when entering Hungary (for more information please visit the home page of the Hungarian Consular Service (www.konzuliszolgalat.kormany.hu) On request, the IFHOH World Congress 2022-Budapest Congress Secretariat will issue invitation letters for visa applications. Please apply in due time for a visa if necessary and note that visa application takes 30-60 days and personal procedure is necessary.

Invitation letter

Please contact haban.zsuzsa@sinosz.hu for invitation letter.


The main shopping areas are located in Pest’s City Center. One of them is Váci Street (Váci utca), perhaps the most famous shopping street in Budapest. Designated as a pedestrian precinct, it runs from Vörösmarty Square to Vámház körút (Central Market Hall) featuring a large number of fashionable shops, restaurants and cafés.

The most popular souvenirs to bring home are wine, especially Tokaji, and porcelain, like Herendi and Zsolnay. Other products such as paprika and embroidery are also popular. A great source of Hungarian products is the spectacular Central Market Hall.

Opening hours:

Most shops are open from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays, while malls are generally open every day from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Outside Budapest and other main cities, many businesses and stores still close on Sundays, but in the larger cities you can expect most shops to be open.


Conference secretariat
Zsuzsa Haban


